Rowing Ergometer Race Strategy

Thanks to reader Daniel Carvalho of the Galit Club in Portugal sent along a spreadsheet that helps with erg race pacing.

Ergometer Strategy Spreadsheet

He included the following explanation:

The file named Ergometer (did not know what else to call it...) allows us to actually see some interesting details:

  • The dependence of 500m split (mm:ss,0) and Power (W) (decreasing the 500m split from 2'02'' to 2'01'' is not the same as decreasing from 01'38'' to 01'37'' - Ok, most of us know that. But usually coaches tend to say that heavyweights should be x seconds per 500m faster than lightweights. That is not a reasonable demand since 4s/500m (e.g.) at conversational pace is not the same as 4s/500m when you are pulling hard)
  • The most economical power (and 500m split) for any distance is 44W (03'19,6''). I am still surprised by this conclusion (see Power - Split - Calories folder, cells in green) (I used the C2 formulas. Hopefully the calculations are correct.)
  • Suppose you want to know how fast (and how powerfull) was James Reichert when we pulled 9127m in 30minutes (1994). Simply type 9172 in a grey cell signalling 30min in the C2 Ranking workouts folder and you wiil find out that the average split was 01:38,1/500m and 370,5W (which is what I pulled in my latest 2k erg test... hehehe)

The file named Ergometer - Training zones according 2000m Erg Test is pretty simple.
You may want to rename the tags correspondent to x% of the 2000m average power.
Other than that seems a good way for dosing your workouts.

(All unprotected cells are GREY. Watch out for the decimal separator being a comma).

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